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Art of ballroom dance


Top dancers are always trying to achieve the freedom of their body expression.

Through every jump, turn and landing, they show strength and beauty to the fullest, expressing incredible energy in every moment... <read more>

Art and Passion

Relentless innovation is our motto. By working with active dancers, we are constantly improving our shoes. Always looking for ultimate solutions for lighter, more stable and comfortable shoes . Leave us the technical aspect, so you can concentrate on your art.

Art of Innovation

Art穿起來很裸感,讓舞者擁有安全感,不需顧慮地在舞台上揮灑享受! 舞鞋穿起來的柔韌度非常好,新鞋穿1-2次可以直上場,舞者實測同一雙鞋連續穿一個月以上不交替其他雙鞋的情況下都沒有變形、不穩,底部也沒有變滑,腳掌的部份沒有變薄,也不會臭,因為是真皮的!可以看到老闆在研發時的用心和用料上的紮實! 我想我會一直穿著它!陪伴我每次的練習!征戰每一場賽事!

- Chloe CHEN 陳雨欣

” I spent years looking for a Latin shoe that would provide the comfort and elegance I needed for competition. Many of them had a very thin and unstable heel, which caused me to lose precision when dancing on the dance floor. Others that seemed more comfortable didn't have an elegant and classy aesthetic. However, with Art's shoes, I have the peace of mind that the heel won't be uncomfortable for me, and I can comfortably work on the movements of my body, always maintaining stability in my foot. Let's not forget that the feet are the key point of contact with the floor and therefore with our body weight.”

- Isabel Gonzales

Artists we're proud of...

Art絕對是我目前穿起來最滿意最舒適的舞鞋,我穿過英國鞋,義大利鞋,還是覺得台灣的Art舞鞋最適合我,在一次與Art老闆聊天發現老闆對舞鞋的熱誠遠遠超乎我的想像,他願意花時間和大把的資金去開模,讓多位不同腳型的舞者試鞋,盡可能的改良,可以做到讓每一位舞者都很滿意且很安心的在舞池中享受舞蹈和音樂Art舞鞋目前是我穿過會不斷進步的舞鞋,老闆對舞鞋的要求就跟每一位舞者要求自己舞蹈,希望一直進步。 希望這種專業的國標舞舞鞋可以讓更多人知道!Art舞鞋!會進步的舞鞋!

- James WU 吳家讚

”Incredible shoes! I have been pleasantly surprised by the design of these shoes. Technically, they are very durable and comfortable—I wear them every day! They fit perfectly on the foot, and the heel shape distributes the weight of the body exactly where it needs to be. Without a doubt, I will continue to wear this brand”

- Alvaro Irles

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Hello beautiful dancers,

Thank you for reaching out! 

We are looking to expend in the  international market. 

If you are a dance studio or a retailer and are interested in our products, please don't hesitate to contact us for our wholesale conditions.